Damn it! Big lie!



The swindler knew what the collision between the two swords meant. He didn’t want to get hurt himself. He deliberately threw the weapon at him to lure him into being competitive and drove him to backstab, Ilya.
Lin Yuhang knows that he is an ancient god.
He didn’t, he didn’t want him to go back on his word, he trampled on the agreement, and the man calculated
It turns out to be more terrible than a nightmare … It’s the human heart.
Ilia struggled for two years before she got up, and the rainbow sword in her hand was picked up by a joint.
"137 defeat, this is the last time you lost to me."
Without a complicated body, I watched Lin Yuhang come out of nowhere, and the rainbow sword and old dreams were taken away by him.
Ilya almost fainted when she looked at her commanding old enemy
However, he still took out a generation of generals and vomited blood with pride and gnashing his teeth. "You can kill a scholar. You have the guts to kill me!"
"I said I’m here to support the throne of the temple. Why don’t you believe me?" Lin Yuxing sighed. "Even if I still want those comrades who died in your hands … revenge."
My parents. Parents.
The sage shot an arrow through Thrym’s heart and turned to support him without stripping his equipment and library. When Lin Yuxing just cut Ilya’s neck with a sword.
The wound caused by the dream was very small, but the blood spattered from the trachea still dyed his whole body and face red.
When all is silent, the dark abyss is especially scarlet and especially enchanting.
It seems that a dream has finally landed after a thousand years.
The sage looked at him and looked up at a certain figure and shouted, "Come out and be my dog for 500 years!"
The sage heard something cursing, and one by one, the tide was gone.
Then the body of Ilya was restored.
Wu wear the neck wound while reluctant to roar "damn it! Big lie! You won’t let me stay in this body! Ah ah I don’t want-"
On September 12, 2015, big princess Ilya brought back the Rainbow Sword through the abyss campaign, and the people on the street played the crown to celebrate. On behalf of the authorities, Yuki Long Island sent a congratulatory message.
On September 13th, Victoria III abdicated and solemnly handed over the Queen’s Staff to Ilya.
On September 14th, the Queen of New England ascended the throne ceremony. The photo of Queen Ilya Dai’s solemn smile was recorded in the history books by the world media.
On behalf of Huaqi Association, Lin Yuxing personally sent a gift to the throne ceremony-
100,000 doses of surgical secret medicine and a copy of Alliance of the Future Front.
Chapter 134 A cloud to start a prairie fire
"You can’t do anything, smelly little easily."
At my desk, President Wang’s eyes are bent with laughter, just sent back the "Strategic Alliance for the Future 500 Years of the Chinese Association of the Royal Center for Fantasy".
The historical significance of this alliance is not only to give Huaqi Association a powerful and reliable ally, but also to symbolize the direction choice of the first Western Wonder Association in the British Royal Family at this moment.
The birthplace of elemental alchemy culture, the number of British mainland magicians is the highest in the world, and now they are facing pervasive technology infiltration, and the crisis of law blocking culture is getting worse, so Leviathan is disturbed and supports the British royal election-the old dragons don’t want to be caught by the American stars in the cage of the research institute and then skinned and boned by handfuls of scalpels.
After so many years of scientific and technological impact on the British mainland, some conservatives stubbornly cling to their gray tower culture and refuse to let go, shouting all day, "Anyway, if the western ocean is not stamped, you have something to go next door."
Some reformists advocate seeking common ground for change and meeting the baptism of science and technology, and even say that "there is no difference between alchemy and chemistry". The old school seems to be more rebellious than "big rebellion"
There are still some Vatican monks who still insist on spreading feudal superstitions. What science is not as important as chanting scriptures? Strange skills can’t beat technology? That must be your lack of piety! Copy the doctrine a hundred times before discussing it!
The three factions, the old school, the innovative school and the superstitious school, have been fighting fiercely in recent years. When Victoria III was in the throne, she tried her best to take care of them. Even if she was full of things, she would be drowned by parliamentarians’ saliva.
Until Ilya ascended the throne, a series of measures were highly effective. Before Lin Yuxing returned to China, the old sores and tumors of this ancient continent were quickly leveled.
The first fire of the new emperor sent the superstitious faction to the country of Tara to dig mines and drugs as coolies. It is laudable that those medicinal materials need to be baptized by the holy light, and they will all cure diseases and save lives in the future, and you will also accumulate merits!
What? Cann’t dig a scarce vein? That must be your lack of piety!
The second fire, burning is the gray monitoring towers all over the British mainland.
The tower keeper also kept the old school, crying with joy and dreaming of praising the greatness of the new king until they found that the tower monitoring platform was replaced by a … live broadcast station.
The truth of SABI authorities’ reign of terror, the decades-long scenes of Theodore, the deputy director of liberation control, the massacre video being firmly blocked by the military and top secret archives, the history that several strange artists in the world were forced to live in hardship and refused to wear dog chains were brutally suppressed … These video recordings taken out by Youshu were quickly distributed from millions of gray towers.
It turned out that when I went out to travel, I heard that my lover was dead. In a crackdown,
I went to help the refugees, but I never came back. My colleagues have long been shot by SABI.
It turned out that the child who had been missing for many years was caught in a famous island because of an article exposing ugliness.
At that time, the public opinion was boiling, and the accusation against the authorities was like a prairie fire, which quickly burned all over the mainland.
It also burned to the next door, and the roof of the country from the Dimensional Institute to the Supreme Court in St. Petersburg was overturned by angry people.
For the first time, the old school and the innovative school joined the country to warmly welcome a large number of scientists who were persecuted by the authorities and their relatives. Leviathan helped sneak into the British mainland without covering the western ocean and joined the local sage association to become a loyal fan of "alchemy and chemistry is no different."
At the end of September, "risking one’s life to reveal the historical truth", Long Island Youshu was elected as the new director of SABI with 92% of the votes.
Fu Yi is another series of New Deal implementation.
It’s easier to govern a complicated bureaucracy than to be a queen. After all, there are still a lot of talented people in the past who can command Yushu. He is at best a "popular hope", except for a number of confidants in the secret security department. There are really few people with qualifications in other authorities.
He is aware of his ancestry, and there is nothing wrong with those stubborn people who put on their faces with disgust.
Lin Yuhang helped Youshu for several days before the whole SABI was eliminated and rectified from the Ministry.
SABI, although its position is not suitable for any alliance, Youshu’s policy of going abroad is oriented to the eastern front inside and outside.
Everyone in the bureau said that the strange world was going to change.
Neutral organizations, which are still in a wait-and-see state, have also sent messages to the East to ask about the alliance when they see this trend of the authorities.
Not only are they eager to pull out the will chip in their bodies, but more importantly, they look forward to the great organization of Huaxia Qiju Association, which has persisted in freedom and has not been shaken for decades under SABI’s terrorist rule.
If there is no gray platform to reveal and clarify the impression of many western artists on the East these days, they will still stay in the framework of "barbarian", "oriental dwarf" and "backcountry" and are reluctant to take a look at it through the star field, because SABI once declared that you will be robbed by indigenous people when you go there! They are so poor that they can’t even afford tea and eggs!
When the inherent impression was broken, the western artists discovered for the first time that their living standards were far worse than others … It is cleaner and faster for few people to go out with high-speed trains than to break the chrysanthemum carriage and the network of coal ash fireplaces with full noses!
There’s more to it than the prosperous take-away industry, where you can get home-delivered food just by clicking your mobile phone-their own country has high delivery and poor delivery to restaurants and inconvenient transportation, and it has to be heated by fire magic.
What is the delivery of food in Qiqi … At present, there is no precedent for a strange craftsman to be a delivery clerk. It is too poor to earn money for running errands in German.
The idea shocked little Walker King, who made his father sell the shares of fireplace network overnight and the whole family switched to building high-speed rail.
Devon also changed the volunteer of studying abroad from the Wonder Nova Committee to the preparatory class of Huaxia Wonder Association.
The sage Ilya returned to the afterlife the day after she ascended the throne. My grandfather was sent to the Mount Whitsunday, and he was always worried about him. LinYu said that he didn’t need a birthday or his help.
He should go back.
"keep in touch"
The sage came to leave a hurried happy birthday and a good morning kiss. He got a ring from Thrym and hurried to the star field to see him off.
Both of them never need to be polite.
LinYu has been busy for half a month to help Youshu get SABI, and then he has to explain a lot of things to numerous and complicated people. He has also witnessed the rise and fall of the dynasty in ten thousand. It is not difficult for him to govern a continent (especially to clean up disobedient ministers), but many general direction decisions need to be made by Lin Yuhang himself.
I’m afraid this Lao Wang will bloodbath the house if he is upset.
"hey! Big lie! When can I have a holiday? I have been working continuously for half a month! "
Outside the queen’s palace, there is a row of expelled royal knights "Ilya". A table is set up high on the back of the official document, and the legs are crossed, holding the game machine and paddling while grasping everything.
As soon as Lin Yuxing appeared, he quickly put the game machine under his skirt and resumed his solemn and elegant sitting posture, but he still couldn’t help complaining.
What is it … He is a great ancient god, why should he be a social animal here …
"oh? If you want to have a holiday, it’s not impossible. "Lin Yuhang quickly browsed through a lot of policies, picked out the official documents that said," Anyone who came to visit the neighboring Wang Department to dig in Tara "and threw them into the shredder." You don’t have to sit here if you find yourself a successor. "
"successor! Easy to do! " Numerous jumped up happily (and then tripped over the skirt) "I remember there was a book about the principle of royal succession. Let me see … huh? ! Give birth to less than 12 women and wait for them to be selected after their bar mitzvah … "
Numerous faces quickly collapsed to ask him to have children with men, and where is his reputation?
"I’d better work for you … damn it!"
Lin Yuhang took care of the complexity and sent the brand back to the land of God on the same day.