Big honey couldn’t help laughing at his flustered appearance. "In that case, you can sign this contract," she said



Dong Laoer took the contract pen and was about to sign it. Suddenly he remembered something and looked up and asked, "How long is the contract signing period? It won’t be a deed of sale. If I sign it for more than ten years, my whole youth will be ruined! "
Big honey didn’t expect this guy to be so vigilant, but it’s also worthy that the manager of the real estate company finally has a little social experience, which is much easier to cheat than Ye Qing’s idiot. She immediately laughed. "Of course I want to sign you for a few more years, but Ye Qing has signed for a year. If he wants to leave, I think you will follow him anyway, and I will sign you for a year!"
"I find that I admire you a little!" Dong Laoer said with a smile that Dami Zhan Yan laughed, "You are much smarter than your boss!"
Dong Laoer quickly signed the contract and then looked up and turned the pen in his hand. "You are wrong in this sentence. Is it because of your age that you and I rank second?" No is because I’m second! The boss is actually much smarter than me. In many things, although his views are different from ordinary people, he has his own reasons, and he can often find out that his words are right afterwards. "
"Look at your boss in your eyes! I want to speak ill of him! "
"That’s not that he is as bad!"
"What’s wrong?"
"Bad grades …"
"Nonsense! If his grades are good, can he come to be a professional player? " Big honey said something authentic. Dong Laoer laughed and threw the pen on the table. "What should I do now that the contract is settled?"
Big honey pointed to the door "to train! I suggest you smoke more guns with your boss in private. He seems to have realized something now and definitely needs to be proficient. I put him on the bench to give him more time to practice his marksmanship. Unfortunately, he doesn’t understand what I do. "
Dong Laoer couldn’t help but take a look at the big honey and then reveal a wretched smile. "How do I feel that you are quite worried about my boss?" And a little more than others! "
Big honey couldn’t help burning her cheeks. She hung her head slightly. "You think too much. I hope the team can be stronger. If the team wants to be stronger, it needs him to be stronger. Now you two brothers can be said to be the pillars of the team, so you should help each other and be tall together!"
"Are you? After that, you have to care for me, too. I am also a person who needs a heart! How about having dinner together tonight? " Dong Laoer blinked at Da Honey, and Da Honey immediately got goose bumps. She gave Dong Laoer a white look and didn’t good the spirit tunnel. "Don’t give me that pick up girls. I’m not one of those greedy silly girls! The queen is not something you can control. Your boss can’t stand it. It’s you! "
"So big? Boss’s physical fitness is that our professional abnormal 100-meter race broke the school record for three consecutive years, and he can’t afford it? " Dong Laoer naturally wanted to tilt Dami’s teeth and said, "You want to die!" Then grabbed the desk pen and threw it at Dong Laoer. Dong Laoer quickly bowed his head and evaded hidden weapons, and then quickly slipped the door and ran away.
"Shout …" Big honey breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the team reform has been completed, and Dong Laoer has joined to make the team stronger. She believes that there will be more powerful players after joining, and this team will truly become a first-class strong team. The future is very beautiful!
Chapter 50 Don’t give up
After the change of the I club formation, the normal training was completed. At this time, the Shanghai ga live F project competition has reached the final finals, and the Tiger Brothers League Liaoning Qingcheng competition has reached the second round at half time. At present, the score between the two sides is five to three, leading Liaoning Qingcheng by two points.
At half-time, the attacker of Liaoning Qingcheng led the Tiger Brotherhood defense line to be riddled with holes again and again. The 7kg sniper rifle method was really worthy of the name. It was fast and had a high hit rate, and his consciousness was outstanding. He also lost more than he won.
Although Xiao Ran was not nervous at all in the face of the famous 7kg, but he also played his part, he still couldn’t beat the other side, which proved that he still had a big gap with 7kg, and he was surprised to find that 7kg was not inferior to him in gun speed and was vaguely faster.
7kg is very good at handling the situation and knows exactly when and what sniper methods to use. He can make the best choice without thinking about conditioned reflex. He is very shocked because there are only a handful of people who can compete with him in gun speed since he debuted. Before 7kg, he also met a sniper who is light and unyielding.
At that time, bare was not as strong as he is now, but his marksmanship was not as good as his. Later, bare and frantically practiced his gun, and he had to lose his gun speed again. Since then, he has never met a sniper who can compete with him in gun speed.
Bare has always had his gun speed second to none in the F professional circle. Now, playing against 7kg only to find that he is still not fast enough. Bare may be equal to 7kg in sniper rifle method, but 7kg is a little faster than him, which has already occupied enough advantages. Every time, Bare hates guns and 7kg’s posture consciousness is better than bare. This is also a gift, but it cannot be said that 7kg’s talent is higher than bare. After all, 7kg debuted a long time earlier than bare, and 7kg is also a great name in professional circles.
Fat people are also very shocked. You know, bare sniper rifle saved the team from despair in many competitions. It can be said that the enemy often turned the tide, but he didn’t expect to be completely suppressed after encountering 7kg. He fought against 7kg six times and was killed by 7kg four times. He was killed by 7kg twice.
Although 7kg’s fame spread far and wide, fat people didn’t have any pressure before they played against him. Until now, when the two teams met, they didn’t feel that 7kg was so powerful that they couldn’t stand it.
If Xiao Ran hadn’t given up, they might have lost now, but two points behind is not hopeless. Xiao Ran thought that what Jiang Yuhan said to him before the game seemed to be dead, and he would definitely lose. He was not angry at the time and wanted to win this game to win the championship for Master, and taking this game was equivalent to winning the ga championship.
They have already won the Champions League before, and then they have won two titles with ga. They need to win another champion and Jiang Yuhan can come back to play professionally. Bare wants to finish this goal as soon as possible so that Master can come back as soon as possible.
"Although 7kg is awesome, everyone needs someone to cover him, and he doesn’t dare to be intercepted from the ground. I hope you can cover others and kill me. He has no chance of being intercepted. It’s up to you, fat monkey. You two are responsible for dealing with other people. Lei Ge and Wei Wei will deal with 7kg and cover him. I will deal with the gunner with fat people." Bare told his teammates that he had been encouraging his teammates from half time, hoping that they wouldn’t give up the game.
Fat people quickly nodded and said to Zhou Wei, "Wei Wei, you are very experienced in dealing with snipers. In the UEFA Cup, you repeatedly killed the snipers of HKUST, which made Sichuan University a success. This time it depends on you!"
Zhou Wei nodded her head. She knew that bare was under a lot of pressure now and she had to come out and share more for him. She was very firm and tunnel "I’ll do my best! You also know that this sniper is not the sniper boss of HKUST, but the top sniper in China. I am not sure whether 7kg can kill him. Everything depends on whether Brother Lei and I cooperate well. "
"It doesn’t matter if you don’t fight this map with pressure. If we lose, we still have a chance to win back the next two maps. If we can win the second map, then the third map is street fighting. That’s my territory. Then I’ll have a real fight with 7kg. If I lose to him in the street fighting map, I’ll really have a heart," bare said to Zhou Wei.
Zhou Wei nodded, and then she and Mu Lei went out of the base to deal with 7kg and the cover others, bare, who followed the fat and the monkey. The performance of the Tiger Brothers was seen by Jiang Yuhan in the audience. According to his expectation, the Tiger Brothers might lose to the whole city of Liaoning with a big score. After all, the Tiger Brothers had never encountered such a super team when they came out, but to his surprise, the Tiger Brothers was led by bare and did not get defeated, but they bit the score tightly. Although bare lost to 7kg in the sniper rifle method, he was very strange.
Jiang Yuhan is very satisfied with this apprentice, Xiao Ran. This little boy is very much like that year. He has a hard work and won’t be complacent. He won’t hold a grudge if he says a few words. The most rare thing is that this little boy has no dissatisfaction when he hears that he is going to return. Instead, he works harder to win the championship so that he can return as soon as possible.
Even if Jiang Yuhan lost the game, he wouldn’t blame Xiao Ran. Before the game, he told Xiao Ran frankly that the game was sure to win or lose, which can be said to be a miracle. Jiang Yuhan felt that Xiao Ran would not be discouraged even if he lost the game, and he should be more motivated because he needed to catch up with 7kg, and that chubby boy would become his goal to surpass.
I club training room Dami sat on the sofa with a cup of water in the training room. Although she didn’t pay attention to the training of the players, Ye Qing knew that this bitch was specially to stare at him in order not to let him train with the team.
Ye Qing can practice alone. He rushed out from the base with ak47. When he saw the enemy, he treated each other as honey, and he kept reading, "Kill you bitch! I told you to let Lao be a substitute! Old-fashioned talents, wonderful bones, and extraordinary talents are more than enough to be a main player and let the old be a substitute! "
He regarded all enemies who appeared in front of his gun as honey, and the result was surprisingly good. The rate of head shots was surprisingly high. The power of love was great, and the power of hatred was also great. He vented all his resentment against honey on the enemy’s body, and his marksmanship improved a lot again. He became more and more proficient in the skills of quick head shots and became more and more aware of the rhythm of ak47 guns.
Everyone in the team is here to stare at Ye Qing and not let him train with the team. Dong Laoer is the only one who knows that Da Mi is here to stare at Ye Qing for personal training. Does she admit that Dong Laoer thinks that this woman is a little bit concerned about Ye Qing? If she has no feelings for Ye Qing, why would she be so sad? Yes, high team strength? Is that all?
Dong Laoer thinks that his judgment is the truth. Big honey, that silly girl must like the boss. He never misses the flowers. It is his unique psychoanalytic ability. But he thinks that big honey likes the boss is not a good thing. This woman is too fierce for the boss to control, and such a woman is not feminine. It is still fresh to eat once in a while. If she is faced with it every day, she is estimated that she can’t eat anything.
In fact, Dong Laoer is wrong. Every day, he faces big honey, but he doesn’t eat at all. Think about eating that lunch in the sea and you will know that the whole team food has been swept away by her alone. This girl has an amazing appetite, but she won’t gain weight. This kind of physique is the envy of girls who want to gain weight when drinking water.
Dong Lao Er is very sympathetic to the boss. Of course, brother, he feels that he still has a duty to help the boss out of his misery. He decides to introduce a girlfriend to the boss at the weekend so that Dami can give up the idea of occupying the boss before it is too late.
Big honey got up from the sofa and walked out of the training room. Ye Qing suddenly felt that his eyes, which had been staring at him like eagle eyes, disappeared. He couldn’t help but look back. Sure enough, big honey disappeared. He suddenly got excited and said to the stars, "I’ll come in which room you are in. I’ll come too!"
The meteor stared at the screen and said, "We’re fighting. You can get in halfway. I’ll tell you your last name! Practice alone honestly! "
Dong Laoer also chimed in, "Boss, just practice your ak marksmanship honestly, and don’t let the big boss down."
Ye Qing smell speech immediately great anger he put the mouse a clap twist a head service road "dong second you traitor! Without loyalty, you actually got together with that bitch. Did you just talk about the contract and she gave you a high salary? "
"Eldest brother, how can I! I’m not that bad. Okay, and do you think I care about that money? It’s impossible to buy me off without one or two million. Do you think that woman is willing to give me one or two million? " Dong middle child quickly argued
"That’s true. If I were you, I wouldn’t be willing to part with it …" Ye Qing deeply tunnel Dong Laoer hurriedly smiled. "Exactly!" Then he cocked his head and thought, what seems to be wrong?
Chapter 59 Edge champion
The audience at Hai ga held their breath. The game between Tiger Brothers and Liaoning Qingcheng has reached the third map key moment. If Liaoning Qingcheng wins this round, they will win the ga championship!
The first map Although the Tiger Brothers led the game tenaciously to the end, the whole city of Liaoning still had a two-point advantage. The second map was desert 1d. The original map should be 7kg territory. After all, it is well known that he asked for the base of the side bridge and the sniper of the other side entered the main road by root method.
Let everyone didn’t think that it was the Tiger Brothers Alliance that successfully sent bare four machine gunners to the side bridge at that time. Perhaps it was a human explosion or a key moment that exceeded the level. They actually killed the other machine gunners and sent 7kg back to the base.
Xiao Ran showed his talent after being attacked by the side bridge. He killed 7kg six or seven times in a row, which is unimaginable for 7kg. You know, he has never been killed so many times in a row before, but Xiao Ran’s side bridge was really handy and played quite beautifully.
Because bare played a slight advantage in the high level of the side bridge, he took the second map and disguised the total score as a one-to-one draw. Bare’s performance on the second map made Jiang Yuhan sit up and take notice. He had expected that the Tiger Brothers would lose the game by two scores, but he didn’t expect bare to win the game on the second map.
The third map is street fighting. As Xiao Ran said, this map belongs to his territory. He is confident that he can win it, and then he beats Liaoning Qingcheng Competition 2-1 to win the ga championship. However, the reality is often that Xiao Ran realized that this map was never his territory after the cruel competition, but he just didn’t meet the real master.
7kg is also sharp in street fighting, and this map is sharper than bare. He is more elusive than bare. He can always appear where he should be, and when he appears, there is a gunshot and someone dies.
Xiao Ran’s killing efficiency is far lower than 7kg plus 7kg. Those four teammates are well-known machine gunners in the professional circle. They can beat Zhou Wei and others in street fighting. This map is not divided into half-courts, but directly decided in 13 rounds. At present, the score of the two teams is 12:7. Liaoning Qingcheng is ahead. They need to win. Now this round will win the championship successfully.
Everyone in the Tiger Brotherhood knows that this round is already a life-and-death battle, and it is necessary to cross the rubicon and fight hard. Barely, it is decided not to take the initiative to attack this round, but to stay in the base. Because it is the annihilation mode, it is limited that they can stick to the base completely.
There are two machine gunners on the left and right sides to defend, while bare himself is defending the middle road. The combination of machine gunners on both sides of the road has also been disrupted. In the past, it was a group of fat and monkeys. Zhou Wei and Mu Lei are now a group of fat and Mu Lei, while Zhou Wei is a group of monkeys. In this way, the strength of the two groups is more average, and the defensive ability on both sides is also much higher.
Bare is also very cautious in the middle of the road, but occasionally flashes out to see the situation. He is actually worried that 7kg will suddenly appear in the middle of the road, so he will have to confront 7kg. After so many rounds in front, he has no confidence to face 7kg.
In his best map, 7kg has killed him so many times in a row. Where does he have any temper that matters? He wants to win this round by being cautious. He doesn’t want to fight 7kg head-on again.
Although he has no self-confidence and 7kg against the sniper now, it doesn’t mean that he will be defeated. This will stimulate him to practice the sniper more crazily. He secretly vowed that he must exceed 7kg. He knows that his gun speed is still high and the gun speed of 7kg is also high. Now he must practice to the level of 7kg and then surpass him to maximize the gun speed.
Jiang Yuhan, the sniper god, said that the speed of the sniper rifle was fast to the extreme. He was able to defeat the South Korean sniper king and the North American three snipers. Even jr was defeated by him. The martial arts are only fast and unbreakable. It really is the eternal truth. Everyone can crack your sniper rifle fast enough.
In those days, when the world sniper jr hit S, he was able to give a grenade thrown in the middle of the rifle a sniper shot. What kind of gun speed was it, and he was able to switch to a sand eagle shot immediately after the sniper rifle was finished. Moreover, two guns made people feel like one shot. This horrible hand speed is incredible to many people.
Jiang Yuhan is faster than the jr gun! He led a sniper wave in an era, and although the latecomers tried very hard to surpass him, no one could do it, not to mention surpassing him, and no one did anything to reach his level.
7kg has always remembered that Jiang Yuhan spoke to him before the game and tried his best to defeat Xiao Ran. When he fought Xiao Ran, he showed no mercy. However, in the process, he found that Xiao Ran was really a good opponent and showed amazing strength on the side bridge. In time, he will be a sniper again. He is not worried that Xiao Ran’s rise will affect his position, because Jiang Yuhan will come back in the near future, and no one in the whole F professional circle dares to claim to be a sniper.
Bare, I didn’t see 7kg when I flashed in and out twice in the middle of the road. At this time, a sniper rifle sounded on the left side of the screen, and a line of death information was immediately brushed out. Fat was killed by being killed! Bare suddenly realized that he was wasting one person in the middle of the road, but 7kg took part in the attack. He said that joining either side would greatly enhance the attack power of that side and immediately break the equilibrium situation.
Bare immediately rushed to the right. He was going to help the right sniper kill the other machine gunner. At the moment he started, the second sniper shot rang. 7kg killed Mulei, too. The left defense suddenly collapsed. Bare had to stop and flash to the bunker and wake up. Zhou Wei and Monkey pay attention to the back.