Shirley drink ring lotus flower broke out at the top of the mountain, and then a full Zhang Xu size bloody imprint walked in the palm of Li Jiang.



Sharp spiral wave
Looking at the rapid influx of blood gas, Lin Lin’s eyes also passed over with a look and a low drink. The whirlwind-shaped sharp cone spirit wave was suddenly spinning up and finally roared like a dragon drilling.
In that many shocking eyes staring at the lotus flower whirlwind spirit wave directly collided in a semi-hard way.
Bang, the same muffled thunder resounded at the top of the mountain, and the violent strong wind hit some trees nearby and flew out of the soil.
They resisted the strong breeze, but they stared at the lotus flower spirit wave half there without blinking, and then exploded at the same time.
In the boom and explosion, a figure suddenly retreated and hummed from its mouth, and its face was horribly pale. A trace of blood hung on the corner of its mouth and finally fell to the ground and broke several big trees along the way before slowly stabilizing.
Li Jiang looked at that awkward figure, and people’s eyes were suddenly projected in the past. When they saw that awkward and pale face, they couldn’t help but exclaim. There was an unbelievable voice.
In those who exclaimed Jiang Li face is also a flush one mouthful blood injection, and soon his eyes once again with a malicious color, but just before he struggled to get up, the black mans flashing cold hit his body immediately is afraid to move again.
When his body was stiff, Li Jiang’s eyes moved slightly and looked at the two sharp short-edged throats suspended in his throat. He had no doubt that if he dared to move again now, the sharp short-edged throats would penetrate his throat in an instant.
From the previous hand, he was white. His opponent was also not a good man and a woman. He looked at the short edge of two handles and dared not move his throat. Jiang Lishan’s top was also in a short silence. Xia Zhilan and others were even more stunned. How could they have never thought that when Li Jiang cast the power of transforming blood into yuan Gong, it would be like this?
When the top of the mountain fell silent, a figure slowly fell to the ground, and then turned to the same stunned referee, frowning and saying, Is the competition over? Is it over? Hearing his voice, the referee nodded hastily.
The third game Wanjin Chamber of Commerce wins Chapter one hundred and fourteen Enter Danxian Pool
When the referee sounded at the top of the mountain, the mosquitoes fell into a silence, and then the Markham Chamber of Commerce broke out in alarm.
This knot is unexpected.
No one ever thought that when Li Jiang changed his blood and Yuan Gong forced his strength to rise to Xiaoyuan Dan, he was still defeated by Lin.
Xuan Su, your eyes are as sophisticated as ever. Although Lin Dong’s body strength level is not very strong, the spirit is very strong. Looking at the secret skill of his previous move, I’m afraid he has reached the level of the second seal operator. Xia Wanjin’s face is also flushed with the unexpected victory of this person. Xuan Su laughed.
Wen Yan Xuan Su also smiled. Although that pretty face was fairly calm, its heart was also suspicious. At this moment, there were waves on it.
According to the rock master on that day, it didn’t seem like a long time for Lin to cultivate his spirit. However, now he has reached the point where he is comparable to the second seal operator, and this speed is simply appalling
I’m afraid this spiritual talent is far beyond the rock master’s expectation, and it will be extremely horrible. Xuan Su’s beautiful eyes pass a dignified color. Now Lin’s strength may not be too strong in this burning city, but that potential is human.
This kind of person must not offend if he can’t win over.
Xuan Su has always maintained great confidence in her own eyes.
This guy should hide so deep that Xia Zhilan took one look at the mess Jiang Liran and then looked at the young boy with a sharp breath in the presence, so I couldn’t help blushing.
Of course, this is not shy, but Xia Zhilan remembered what she once said to Lin Dong, what’s the best of three games? You just came to the scene. Now think about what she said at that time. Xia Zhilan’s cheeks were a little hot, which was just a slap in the face and it was still loud
Compared with the blood wolf gang, the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce is quiet. Many Yueshan and others are also ugly.
A steady win turned out to be like this.
It seems that the little one is Yueshan, the number one card of Wanjin Chamber of Commerce, with a gloomy old wry smile way.
What on earth is the origin of that small Yue Feng frowned and asked the younger generation in Yancheng that he was almost the top level, but even he was not absolutely sure that he could defeat a small Yuan Dan, but his eyes seemed to be younger than him at that age, but Lin Dong did it, which made his heart a little unwilling to be jealous.
I don’t know if this person is very strange, but maybe it’s not that I, a city dweller, heard Yuefeng and others talk about Yueshan’s eyes, which are also slightly narrowed and blamed for the surging cold mountain in Lin’s eyes.
Yueshan Wang’s victory and defeat in the three games have been ceded. When Yueshan’s eyes set off in Lin, Na Xia Wanjin also smiled and handed it to him.
Hey, hey, President Xia is really a good helper. Yueshan sneers.
Each other, but today, my Wanjin Chamber of Commerce has two wins in three games. This immortal pool belongs to my Wanjin Chamber of Commerce. This Yueshan Wang should have no opinion. Xia Wanjin laughed.
Hearing this, Yueshan and others can’t help but clench their fists. Yuefeng Yueling is even more unwilling. This Danxian Pool is extremely important for them in the late Tianyuan period. If they can absorb the energy, they will be able to shorten the Jin Dynasty into Yuan Dan’s territory several times.
Look, the blood wolf helps these people move. Many masters of the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce are also tense, and their palms slowly reach out to their waist weapons.